Capacity Building for Digital Health Monitoring and Care Systems in Asia (DigiHealth-Asia)

DigiHealth-Asia aims to build capacity in Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) of the partner countries (Pakistan, Thailand and Mongolia) to develop project-based courses in digital health and that would begin a new transformation in the operation of Asian healthcare systems.
6 november 2023
Workshop on Data an AI in health
As part of the Erasmus+ DigiHealth-Asia project (Capacity Building for Digital
Health Monitoring and Care Systems in Asia), the Université Lumière Lyon 2
and the IUT LUMIERE LYON 2 are organizing a Workshop on Data and Artificial Intelligence in the field of health.

We therefore have the honor to invite you to participate in this event!
📅 november 9th 2023
⏰ 9am to 5pm
📍 160 Boulevard de l’Université, 69500 Bron – Building 1
Registration for external participants.
Publication ICoDT2
Our paper titled ‘Multiclass Heartbeat Classification using ECG Signals and Convolutional Neural Networks’ has been published in the proceedings of 2022 2nd International Conference on Digital Futures and Transformative Technologies (ICoDT2).
Publication Journals of Sensors
Our paper titled ‘Bluetooth-Low-Energy-Based Fall Detection and Warning System for Elderly People in Nursing Homes’ is published in Journals of Sensors, 2022.
Collaboration with industry
NUST Innovation & Commercialization (I&C) Dte has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the Islamabad Diagnostic Center (IDC).
Publication in Applied Sciences
Our paper titled ‘Embedded AI-Based Digi-Healthcare’ is published in Applied Sciences, 2022.
Publication in Electronics
Our paper titled "Array Antenna for Wireless Access Points and Futuristic Healthcare Devices" was published in Electronics
Pilot Case
Remote monitoring of cardiovascular patients
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Pilot Case
Remote consultation of patients
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Pilot Case
Remote monitoring of mobility disorder patients
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Links to documents and deliverables